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 Kingdom Chronicles!

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Age : 31
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Kingdom Chronicles! Empty
PostSubject: Kingdom Chronicles!   Kingdom Chronicles! EmptyWed Sep 17, 2008 8:12 pm

Hi everyone. This is a story I thought up a little bit ago and started writing(got to do more of that) anyways. Here is the first part. It is something like a prologue but not really.

Lighting streaked across the sky, illuminating the dark room, reviling the small figure standing next to the bed, nightgown hanging loosely on her small frame. Again lightning struck followed by its thundering roar. The small girl nearly jumped out of her skin in fright. Her delicate hand brushed against the bed, sending small vibrations through it.
The sleeper stirred, sat up, and covered his face with his hand. Lightning and thunder struck again, and a small cry of fright awoke him from his own thoughts. To his right stood a small girl clutching a small stuffed bear, trying her hardest not to utter a sound. “Rebecca? What are you doing here?”
Rebecca clutched her stuffed bear and flinched as lightning struck once more. “My room was too dark,” her voice was quiet and meek. Tears formed in her eyes.
“Climb up here,” he said his voice compassionate and reassuring.
“Big brother…” she began but he cut her off.
“Don’t worry about the lightning, even if it hits this building it will get transferred down the grounding pipes till it hits the ground and then is dispersed into it.” He was about to continue on about how it all worked in detail when he noticed more tears forming in Rebecca’s eyes as her four year old mind could not process the scientific knowledge he was about to impart to her. He sighed and smiled. “Don’t worry all it can do is make a big noise. You can spend the night here.” He patted the spot next to him with his hand.
Rebecca climbed up onto the massive bed and crawled her way to the spot indicated, slipped under the cool covers and closed her eyes, falling asleep nearly instantly. He waited a minute and then carefully stroked some of her blond hair that was covering her face away. He then settled in himself, and turned the other way.

Last edited by Slip-space on Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 31
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Kingdom Chronicles! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingdom Chronicles!   Kingdom Chronicles! EmptyWed Sep 17, 2008 8:56 pm

Here is the next part. Hot off the press(my laptop) Enjoy^_^

Six Years Later

He got up and dressed, by himself as was his custom. He had no need of servants to dress him, he had long ago dismissed them from this task. He put on a pair of blue silk pants trimmed in a silver color along the edges, the pants themselves stopping a couple inches above his ankles. He put on a matching vest that revealed his muscular chest and abs. Finally he slipped on a pair of laced sandals onto his feet.
He looked at himself in his full body mirror that was attached to the far west wall. He ruffled his hair, getting that natural spike-age that he liked so much and headed out intent on getting breakfast. As he walked through the hall the servants only paused briefly to commit to a small bow but then continued on with their various tasks. It was an improvement. Normally they would stop all together and bow fully or worse yet get prostrate on the floor. He stopped at the door to the dining hall. The two guards on duty bow their heads and straightened their giant gleaming pikes by their sides. He looked at them quizziled. Finally the two stern faced men smiled. He smiled back and pushed open the massive oak doors.

Last edited by Slip-space on Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 31
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Kingdom Chronicles! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingdom Chronicles!   Kingdom Chronicles! EmptyWed Sep 24, 2008 7:54 pm

Here is the next part. I edited the one above it is no longer two years but three.

In the vast room before him, stood a massive and highly impressive (not to mention expensive) dark rosewood table. At each end was placed a chair and two more chairs were accounted for on either side. And if he added the one next to the one closest to him, he had five. He looked them over. The chair at the far end shouldn’t be considered a chair. It was a throne. Lavished in gold and silver, precious wood and joules, and made by a master craftsman. He looked at the chair closest to him that was also a throne, but lessly furnished to show that it was indeed not the most powerful.
He walked around the table to the left. It took fifteen full strides to reach his chair. It too was a throne, all the chairs were. He slid it back and sat down looking across to the smaller chair seated directly across from him. Tableware was placed at Rebecca’s spot, meaning she would soon be in. He looked to the left. His father’s chair was empty, no tableware anywhere to be seen. He would not be joining them it seemed. Like normal.
He looked down at the queen’s seat. Hers was empty as well. But when he looked at the chair seated next to it, its tableware was set and he could hear the small footsteps of the prince coming down the hall followed by his maids and caretakers. The doors opened once more and in came the four year old prince, fully clothed in royal gowns, attended by his servants.
He plopped himself down in his seat. Eagerly awaiting breakfast. Rebecca arrived with her personal maid, young girl of fourteen. “Sister,” The prince said happily nearly spilling his glass of milk with his arm as it shot up. “Good morning!”
Rebecca sat down and looked at John who was trying to keep his milk from spilling. “Good morning to you too John,” she said.
“Hey, I had a dream last night. Want to hear about it. Want to?!” his voice eager and childish.
“Sure tell me what it was about.” She said, assuming the role of a big sister who knew that her little brother wanted to tell her.
John quickly went into an explanation of his dream. “I was outside. And all around me trees filled with cherry blossoms and I was…” he tried to remember what had exactly happened. “Um… um… there was lots of candy! And I was riding a really, really big horse!” He emphasized this by spreading his arms wide trying to make his arms longer then they were.
Rebecca smiled at her little brother. Her half brother. He had always wanted to ride a really big horse all by himself, but at four years old he was always with a guardian whenever he rode. “Really,” she said. “That’s great.”

Last edited by Slip-space on Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 1237
Join date : 2008-05-04
Age : 31
Location : Anywhere i want to be with a push of a button

Kingdom Chronicles! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingdom Chronicles!   Kingdom Chronicles! EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:39 pm

Happy that he had told his story, John began eating his breakfast that had appeared before him. He quickly demolished everything, and after taking a long drought of his milk, smiled brightly in his new mustache. His milk-stash was soon wiped away by his head caretaker. An elderly woman of sixty who had a tight face, one used to giving orders and requiring the best that anyone had to offer but never finding it. “You’re Highness,” she said sternly. “You must use the proper etiquette when you dine. A prince cannot be seen eating like a buffoon.” She then proceeded to give him a strict lecture of all the proper eating methods that one should use. John accepted this without a fight, and nodding vigorously at everything she said, obliviously afraid of the tight faced woman.

Newest addition to the story. Sorry for the long wait. I will make it faster. Also three years has been changed to 6 years so the four year old Rebecca is now 10.
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