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 Christmas Dance

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3 posters

What are you doing?
Going to the dance alone *cry*
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap0%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Going with a date *smile*
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap0%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Not going because I am lame
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap0%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Not going because I cannot dance *lame*
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap0%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Not going because the world is stupid
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap25%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Going to go to drop off a bomb
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap0%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Going to go with friends, but none of them "the" friend
Christmas Dance Vote_lcap75%Christmas Dance Vote_rcap
 75% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 4


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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyMon Oct 06, 2008 8:37 pm

Ok I am posting a thing for that dance thingy. Anyone going?

Talk here about it peoples!
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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyMon Oct 06, 2008 8:51 pm

I have no choice in the matter!
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyMon Oct 06, 2008 8:52 pm

Choice! Well what then!
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyTue Oct 07, 2008 4:57 pm

I'm not going, I wasn't invited!
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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyTue Oct 07, 2008 5:09 pm

Am going... Maybe... Zachy has to give me more info though...
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyTue Oct 07, 2008 5:10 pm

You know if you check the member list he has longed in more recently then avrair. And he left
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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptyTue Oct 07, 2008 5:11 pm

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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:00 pm

so are we going for real... And if we are can someone write some info here.
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:57 pm

(Note: The original e-mail is not the ONLY information on the dance. Notice there are three attachments with important information [including permission slips!])

Does anyone know Elijah Coryell's email? I somehow have two of them but they're very old and I'm not sure if he uses them.

This is being sent to: Jon Maichin, Elijah Murphy, Elijah Coryell, Jered Heater, Brendan Scully, Nathan Deitze, and Mrs. Chacra's email (Mrs. C, can you show this to Joe?)

First of all, once you've read this thing, reply so that i know you got it, or I'll bug you with phone calls and impromptu forum conversations until you see this thing.
BASICALLY: This is a homeschool, semi-formal Christmas dance. It's December 12th, and the age range is 14-19 (Look Nate, you're not too old!) The place looks really nice and I think we need some fellas to go represent the Pocono homeschoolers, right, right?

Anyway, I think this would be really cool to go to, but I'm not going alone. 0:<
If you're at all interested (You'd better be), show this to your mom and tell her just how desperate you are. Also give her chocolate. If it's Mrs. Chacra you're pleading to, go shoot a squirrel and present its corpse to please her.


Pleasure doing business, gentlemen.
Get back to me when you can!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Regina Swift Gotchel <rswiftgotchel@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 7:47 AM
Subject: Fw: =Christmas Dance]
To: Ben Gotchel <writerzach@gmail.com>

--- On Wed, 9/3/08, Regina Swift Gotchel <rswiftgotchel@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Regina Swift Gotchel <rswiftgotchel@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: =Christmas Dance]
To: "Ellen Ace" <ellenace@gmail.com>, "Barb Altemose" <barto.3@netzero.net>, "Evie Brown" <daveandevie@verizon.net>, "Cindi Brown" <mattandcindibrown@hotmail.com>, "Beth Carroll" <eanc@ptd.net>, "Julie Chacra" <jumijo@netzero.net>, "Lauren Chryst" <david_lauren_chryst@verizon.net>, "Ann Marie Coryell" <amcdc@ptd.net>, "Crosby" <bekahcrosby@gmail.com>, "Karin Diestler" <pklandj@chilitech.net>, "Mary Dietze" <mary_dietze@hotmail.com>, "Kim DiGaetano" <homeschool@mail.org>, "Peggy Finley" <pfinley99@yahoo.com>, "Jeanine Fuller" <ninif@verizon.net>, "Regina Gotchel" <rswiftgotchel@yahoo.com>, "Diane Heater" <alpine_pursuit@yahoo.com>, "Brenda Hoff" <brendah@ptd.net>, "Jane Hunter" <khunter@lombardo-lipe.com>, "Ismarie" <kevin@streamside.org>, "Sue Krautkramer" <Kd5ceu@localnet.com>, "Jim and Lori Logothetis" <logo4nmerry@aol.com>, "Marla Maichin" <swimmer.2007@hotmail.com>, "Judy Munoz" <munoz84@verizon.net>, "Jennifer Murphy" <mjmurphy@ptd.net>, "Cynthia Musante" <cindymusante@yahoo.com>, "Michelle Negron" <mnegron@epix.net>, "Ann Negvesky" <anegvesky@aol.com>, "Darlene Repsher" <JRNCO@ptd.net>, "Erica Rhoads" <Erica@techlynx.net>, "Ivon Rivera" <cubaiirr@yahoo.com>, "Denise Roseti" <roseti@verizon.net>, "Sue Scully" <lowradar4@verizon.net>, "Patti Seemayer" <star_gazer132@yahoo.com>, "Robin Snyder" <Robinsnyder53@aol.com>, "Glenna Terry" <glennabee.terry@verizon.net>, "Susan Tighe" <stighe@ptd.net>, "Meredith vanScoten" <flute2praise@gmail.com>, "Lorna Wooldridge" <phil@freeunionschoolhouse.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 7:28 AM

--- On Tue, 9/2/08, homeschoolers@pmbfc.org <homeschoolers@pmbfc.org> wrote:

From: homeschoolers@pmbfc.org <homeschoolers@pmbfc.org>
Subject: =Christmas Dance]
To: homeschoolers@pmbfc.org
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:56 PM

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Christmas Dance
From: "Patricia Konopa" <pattyak@verizon.net>
Date: Mon, September 01, 2008 4:45 pm

Hi Ladies
I emailed Tamara and she said I can email this to all of the
homeschoolers. Please send this out to everyone on your list.
Patty K

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tamara Kells" <tamkells@comcast.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:05 PM
Subject: Christmas Dance

> Hi, Everyone,
> Please note that this email is only about the Christmas Dance. If your
> kiddo isn't interested in this, you don't have to read on!
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:57 pm

> OK, I'm ready to release all the information & the "nitty gritty" details
> about the dance.
> If you haven't received the dance announcement, I've attached it to this
> email. The announcement will give you the details about the time, place,
> the menu, & all the fun stuff. Please refer to that before contacting me
> with questions. I've become cranky in my old age! We've also booked a
> bank of rooms at the Wingate, & the details of that are on the last page
> of the announcement & in the body of this email.
> Please note; if you need pamphlets to hand out, let me know. I had Aubrie
> make them for me, & they're really cute. I can arrange to bring some to
> our back to school picnic (September 22nd), or, send me a self addressed,
> stamped envelope & I'll mail a few to you.
> Before I go on, I have to re-iterate that the prom was a huge success.
> The kids were so impressive. From hotel staff, catering crew, & hotel
> visitors, the comments were ALL complimentary. The caterers actually used
> the word, "stunned". They had heard that this was going to be a prom, &
> were prepared for the absolute worst, in both behaviour & manners. One of
> the waitresses said that she'd never heard "thank you" so many times in
> one event. In the end, some of the staff (the younger ones) were dancing
> with the kids! So, kudos to you parents! I'm sure this year will be the
> same.
> This is a dance for teens in "high school". Participants should be 14
> years or older. I've also invited recent graduates as well. Many kids
> never had the opportunity of a dance or prom. Additionally, a lot of kids
> who graduated are still friends with those who haven't.
> The dance is only for the kids - No Parents Allowed! (heehee). Chaperones
> have been decided. For those of you driving a good distance, the hotel
> information is listed in both the announcement & farther down in the body
> of this email. I have nothing planned for parents (as this is a big
> enough project as it is!) Most of you are planning on using this precious
> little alone time to do other things anyway. If you're not familiar with
> the area, you can find out what's around (a whole BUNCH of things) by
> going on Google or Yahoo maps. There's a small mall, a myriad of
> restaurants, movie theater, etc. Enjoy planning your evening!
> Angela booked a bank of rooms at:
> The Wingate by Wyndham
> 4325 Hamilton Blvd.
> Allentown, PA 18103
> 610.366.1600
> The normal cost of the rooms are $159.00, but we're getting them for
> $89.00. The hotel boasts an indoor pool, free high speed internet access,
> & (best part for me) a full hot & cold breakfast buffet at no extra cost.
> When you book your room, please let them know that you'd like one of the
> rooms reserved by Angie at The Waterfalls.
> The address is listed above, so please Map quest directions both from the
> dance & from your home. This, again, is one of those things that I don't
> want to be involved in. Additionally, I can't give you directions, as the
> odds are, I don't know where you live. And, I'd just have to map quest it
> myself.
> Please deal directly with the hotel. I have no more information to give
> you about it. I'm certain you're fully capable of taking care of these
> arrangements. Besides, do you really want an idiot being your go
> between??
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:58 pm

> The full menu is on the attached announcement. Please know that there
> will be a few vegetarian items, such as cheese pizza bagels, mozzarella
> sticks, etc. I can't, however, change the menu at this point. Especially
> since a lot of kids really like chicken fingers, nachos, etc.! I did keep
> the vegetarians in mind, though, as best I could with a such a large group
> of kids. The ice cream sundae bar should satisfy everyone!
> Once again, I enlisted the help of my daughter, Aubrie, to design & print
> our tickets. She does such a terrific job (proud mom)!
> Each ticket is $30.00, which includes the food, facility, entertainment,
> etc.
> IMPORTANT: The tickets are non refundable. If you find that you can't
> use them, you may sell them. I'll be happy to forward an email from you
> to the group (which would post your email address), but, all responses &
> negotiations will be handled by you; I don't want to be involved (because
> I'm basically a lazy person!). I must, though, have all the forms
> (information following) & information about who buys them.
> Each homeschooler is welcome to invite a guest, homeschooled or otherwise.
> The tickets serve two purposes. One, for me to verify that people coming
> to the dance are supposed to be there. The other is as a memento of the
> evening. Once I see the ticket, confirm that I have all the necessary
> paperwork, the ticket goes back to the bearer.
> I've attached both a permission slip & an emergency contact form. When
> you return them, please return them in their entirety. For the prom
> forms, I had a quite a few permission slips that were cut in half. It
> really looks like it should be, but, it's not.
> If you have more than one teen attending the prom from the same family,
> you don't have to send separate forms for each kidlet. The only exception
> to that is if one has additional or different needs that we should know
> about.
> I have to note that we had NO issues at the prom! I'm so proud of our
> kids, I can't even tell you. Still, I've gotta say it to CMA (cover my
> ass-ets).
> As this isn't a formal, gowns are not necessary. Most of the girls will
> be coming in shorter "party" dresses. That's not to say that if your girl
> would like to wear a gown, she can. If that's what she wants to do, then
> I say, you go girl! I'm very aware that this dance is awfully close to
> Christmas. I don't want parents to feel burdened by purchasing a gown or
> anything special. It's fair to say that if your daughter has a Sunday
> dress, she will be completely comfortable wearing it.
> As for the guys, a nice dress shirt & pants will be fine. Ties might look
> nice, & if your son wants to wear one, he's perfectly welcome. I know we
> have a couple of GQ men in our midst. My experience from the prom says
> that those ties will be off in less than an hour. Still, if your son is
> planning on taking pictures & wants to have one on, go for it.
> As for conduct, well, I'm not going on about that. Needless to say, if
> there's a problem with kids fighting, or anything like that, we'll ask you
> to pick him/her up. But, as I said, we didn't encounter anything remotely
> like that at the prom. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Even though a
> good many kids had never met one another, you'd never have known it after
> about an hour or so. Can you tell I'm proud of your kids??
> I don't have a photographer lined up for the dance. I thought that since
> it's a dance, not a prom, that might be an extra expense parents would
> like to avoid. Again, we're really close to Christmas.
> I know that a lot of the kids at the prom had their own cameras. I'd
> recommend sending your teen with one of those disposable cameras. That
> way, if they get lost or forgotten, it's not that big a deal. The
> decision about cameras is ultimately, like most things, up to you.
> All checks should be made out to me, Tamara Kells. Please forward a check
> in the amount of $30.00 per ticket to:
> Tamara Kells
> PO Box 213
> Palm, PA 18070
> Last year, I didn't think about the cost to mail everyone their ticket. I
> ended up spending almost $30.00 of our own money to send them out (a fact
> that Matt isn't aware of, & I'd like to keep it that way!). As such, I
> also require a self addressed, stamped envelope to send the tickets to
> you.
> So, more for me to keep this straight in my own head than for you, here's
> a checklist of what to send:
> Check for $30.00 per ticket made payable to Tamara Kells;
> Completed Emergency Contact form;
> Completed Permission Slip (in its entirety); and
> Self addressed, stamped envelope.
> I don't want to sound like a flaming shrew, but, please read through this
> email, as well as the announcement & all other attachments before
> contacting me with a question. In the course of a day, I get anywhere
> from 25-75 emails having to do with homeschooling. That doesn't count all
> the other non-homeschool related emails I get. If you ask me something
> that's already been covered, I probably won't answer you. Kind of goes
> back to that whole lazy thing.
> OK, happy campers, that's all I have for now! I'm really looking forward
> to meeting you & your teens. As I've said over & over (ad nauseam), your
> kids are terrific!
> If you have any questions (that weren't covered in this email - see
> above), contact me at my email, tamkells@comcast.net
> Tamara
> --
> Tamara Kells
> 610.969.9664
> www.valleyhomeschoolers.bravehost.com
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance EmptySat Oct 18, 2008 7:58 pm

I had to post in sections but that is the info. I have attachments that i did not put up so if you want them let me know.
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Christmas Dance Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christmas Dance   Christmas Dance Empty

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Christmas Dance
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