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 Character Approvement/Creation thread

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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySat Jul 05, 2008 7:55 pm

Hello. This is the character approvement/creation thread ((just in case you didn't notice)). You may create a character here, just as long as you make sure that he/she/it gets approved by me or a moderator. Here is the format for making a character. Feel free to change a few things if you want, as long as we still get adequate information about your character. Also, please keep comments in this thread to a minimum; you can make a comment in your Bio or just go to the OOC thread. That's what it's there for.

Name: Who are you?
Age: How old are you?
Race: What race are you? Aka. Human, Alien, Robot.
Gender: Are you a guy or a girl. Maybe an It?
Appearance: What do you look like?
Hometown: Where do you come from if anywhere?
Likes: What do you like
Dislikes: What do you not like?
Personality: What is your personality?
Fighting style: How do you fight? What weapons do you use? Do you have special abilities?
History: Tell us about yourself.

Simple right? lol!

When a mod approves your character, they'll add an ((Approved)) sign to your post, which means that you can start RPing. If your Bio is lacking, then we'll point out to you what needs to be added/fixed. Also, if you're adding pictures to your biography, please add the real pictures, not the URL to the site which has the pictures. If you need help with the BBCode, just ask.

Last edited by -Avrair- on Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:11 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : It's what I do)
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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Basic RP Character Bio   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySun Jul 06, 2008 12:27 pm

Well I'll go first!!!

Name: Lavi, (name has been changed)
Age: 15
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Levi stands 5 feet, 10 inches tall. He has a lean but muscular build. His eyes are a dark gray and his hair is spiked (around 3 to 4 inches tall) and is black. He wears a pair of black jeans. Often goes around shirtless, relieving his tan and muscular chest. He wears a white t-shirt, and a dark brown overcoat.
Hometown: He was born in a small village that was destroyed when it got raided by raiders.
Likes: Eating, shade, fighting strong people. And being cool.
Dislikes: Being too hot. Weak spineless people. Bitter tasting food.
Personality: If you get to know him, he will talk to you. If not do not expect him to start a conversation. He tends to get a bit dark, making him seem evil. Will do as he wants.
Fighting Style: He carries a simple brown katanna on his waist that he uses whenever he fights. Then he carries a bolt action Rifle that has a scope on it, which he uses for getting food. He also has the ability of a Wind-Walker. The Wind-Walkers were nearly annihilated from a fight with a brother clan. They were said to be extinct and now three hundred years later no one know about there existence. The Wind-Walkers use wind as there tools. Adding it to there weapons and personal fighting style. They control the wind which is said to be a gift from Aeolus keeper of the winds. There are two ways for one to become a Wind-Walker, The first is to inherit it genetically. The second, Is for a Wind-Walker to willing give his or her power to another. The ones who do this are never seen again.
History: As a young child his village was destroyed by raiders. Some how he survived but he got stuck under a fallen building. There he stayed. With no food for 3 weeks. He got water from the rains that happened every 3 days. Just when he was about to die of starvation a stranger came and lifted the building off him (he was underneath). After being nursed back to health he met his savior. Who was an old man. The mans name was Tranis. So for four years Levi traveled with Tranis who towered over him. He was eight feet tall and was built like a giant. During those years Tranis taught him many things.
Then one day, Levi woke up in the morning and Tranis had just disappeared. No matter how he looked he could not find the old man. He had just vanished.
Dreams: To find the old man who helped him and repay his dept. To find a secret treasure.
((Approved -Av-))
{approved -VIR31-}

Last edited by Slip-space on Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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greenhorn apprentice

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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Basic RP Character Bio   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySat Jul 12, 2008 6:25 pm

Roleplay: Basic
Name: Iritome
Sex: Male
Race: Hume
Age: 10
Height/Weight: 3' 10", 72lbs
Weapons/Tools: Magic, Lightweight Dagger
Armor/Items: 6 Small Individual Focus Scrolls, 20sp
Appearance: dark crimson-red hair, short, somewhat curly; grey-blue eyes, very shallow, fairly fogged over; fair skin, slightly tanned; not muscular, though fast on his feet; basic light tan desert clothes[lightweight long-sleeved button up shirt, lightweight pants, durable underwear, durable bandana], common attire for travelers crossing the desert; personalized accessories the same color as his hair[breathable face-mask, strap gloves with the fingertips cut-off, durable desert strap boots, all-purpose small backpack].
Personality: Taciturn. Not necessarily emo, not necessarily mature, just taciturn. Holds a deep grudge against his clan, and because of this, tries not to make personal bonds. Trying to understand the more subtle aspects of life, but failing.
Abilities: Ignite: One uses extreme focus on a target, pushing back the ether[basic energy present everywhere] around the target, then releases, allowing the ether to rush into the target, creating an explosion directly relevant to the amount of ether pushed back. A very rare gift to be born with.
History Prologue: The Ane'ea Desert. Quite a sight to behold, really; miles upon miles of sand, covering almost the entire mainland of the continent Gaia. Within the desert, the only things you can see are the grueling sun, the expanses of sand, the howling wind. That, and a lonesome boy, just turned ten-years-old. He's heading south, bringing with him bitter pain and half-hearted faith. The Ane'ea Tribe had never truly tried to accept him, never giving him a decent chance to belong. But how could they? They were a clan of fire-benders, born and raised, and a fire-bender he was not. That ability to manipulate fire in any size or direction, that ability which every other member in his, no, that clan obtained, had eluded him since birth. Yet he was additionally cursed with a gift no-one had ever seen before, that made anything he truly focused upon burst into flames. This unknown ability truly haunted the Ane'ea people, and they saw Iritome only as a monster, born purely for destruction, unable to be of any use. As his tenth birthday drew nearer, the Ane'ea tribe finally decided that Iritome was more trouble than he was worth. The day he turned ten, the elders stripped him of his Ane'ea clothes, and gave him average traveling gear. Then, the tribe officially disowned him, giving a mere two days worth of water, 20sp, and informing him of a railway traveling west towards Agriba. Then, they kicked him out of their village, leaving him utterly alone in the desert, left to die in the wilderness. He'll show them his power. Someday.
Notes: This is a Progressive Profile, meaning that I'm going to update this Bio as necessary; also, all of my characters talk exactly like Americans, but with epic Bri'ish accents.
((Approved -Av-))
{approved -VIR31-}


Last edited by -Avrair- on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:29 am; edited 3 times in total
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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Basic RP Character Bio   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySat Jul 12, 2008 11:30 pm

Name: Jonin Alzahad Gregian Adalpho
Age: 18
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5’ 7”, Pale Caucasian. Dark blue hair, green tipped. Maroon t-shirt, baggy blue jeans. Army boots, dark canvas trench coat, and biker gloves. Battle ax and katana worn over back and at waist, 20 shot pistol at waist. Left arm and shoulder are cybernetic. Usually seen riding a three wheeled motorcycle-quad hybrid that has one wheel in rear and two in front, the rear looks and is ridden like a ninja while the front drives and looks like a large sports quad. Is followed around by a large wolf like dog; name of Hashshshin.
Tech/Weapons/Items: High tech. Data pad. Cybernetic arm and shoulder. Quad-bike (tricycle that needs a better name), Pistol (like ones in Stand Alone Complex, or Cowboy Bepop), Katanna, Battle ax, shrukins.
Hometown: Comes from the small farming settlement: Gregian Adalphonestia.
Likes: Winning, gladiator duels, food, animals
Dislikes: Sore losers, anyone mean or “evil”, people inclined to abuse power or responsibility
Personality: Seems like an emo. Acts like an emo. Loves to talk to friends and when you know him well he is very un-emo.
Fighting style: He uses a style of self taught karate. Sometimes though he will use his katana in a fight, and during gladiator tournaments will duel wield with both katana and ax. He uses the pistol for self defense and hunting. He is very skilled with all his weapons.
History: Woke in the hospital from a coma at the age of twelve. The accident had made him lose his memory and his left arm and part of his shoulder. Was told his parents had died in the same farm accident that injured him. It was left for the community to take care of him. When he came of age at sixteen, he got his parents farm and everything that came with it. He rented the farm out and went traveling. And as such... his money problems are pretty much non-existent. He has been traveling ever since.
Money: Doesn't need much. Has enough for a modest lifestyle without much exuberance.
Accounts: about 60 K GP
((Approved -Av-))
{approved -VIR31-}

Last edited by VIR31 INF3C7I0N on Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Basic RP Sub-Character Bio   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySun Jul 13, 2008 3:35 pm

Name: Alice Rinmen (best i could do)
Age: 17
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Appearance: Height: 5' 8" Weight: secretX_X, Caucasian. Long blond hair. Brilant green eyes. She wears a white long skirt that comes to her ankles and also a white top. To add to that she wears a pair of blue ear rings and a green stone necklace. Also she wears a white mantel. (I'll eventually get pictures of everything.)
Job Is a mage which is essancually a doctor that can use magic
Tech / Weapons / Items Carries a data pad which can be held in ones hand and is trimmed with green. Also she carries a bag which has all her medical equipment and personal belongings in it. Carries a small pistal on her right hip.
Hometown: Agriba she has never left.
Likes: Helping people. Books, espically ones about medican. 'Nice" people. New places. Buying clothes
Dislikes: People who hurt others. "Evil" people. Those who do not care about there own health.
Personality: Alice is a kind person and likes to help people. And on the outside she might seem to be a frail girl, which with also her good looks usually attracts guys who try to intimitate her into going with them. But she is surprizingly strong willed. Is usually happy. Loves to take advantage of guys and get free food.
History: Alice grew up in Agriba as an orphan. When it was discuvered that she had tallent as a mage and doctor, she was forced to go through rigerous training. At the age of twelve she started being a doctor. Not to long later, she made a mistake a because of that her patant died. She was tramitized by the insident and vowed to never make a mistake again.
Money: Because of her job she has acuired allot of money. And can make money at a notice.
Dreams To see the world and help as many people as she can.
((Approved -Av-))
{approved -VIR31-}

Well I'm done what do you think?
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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptyTue Jul 22, 2008 10:43 am

Name: Roderick Rinmen
Age: 19
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is a very big guy, as shown below. But it is 100% muscle, formed from years as working as a smithy. Unlike his sister Alice, Roderick is not exceptionally good looking. He has common black hair, blue eyes, and just everything else about him his common except for his exceptional height and weight. He wears a worn black leather vest that is usually open)to help when he is forging) and a pair of black pants, made from some not to highly flammable material.
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 250 lb
Job: Journeyman Smith, Apprentice mage. He has a small amount of Magick. He uses it mostly during smithing.
Tech / Weapons / Items: Giant broadsword. And a overly large hammer used for forging wore at his waist.
Hometown: Agriba
Likes: Friends. Protecting his sister. Watching, competing, and betting on duels.
Dislikes: Anyone who harms his sister. Anyone willing to commit a crime.
Personality: Weird. his sister had better luck then him, but he still loves her more then anything. Because of that, he thinks that she's better then him, and therefore tries to protect her as much as he can. Besides that, he's rough-around the edges but very sociable on the inside. And kinda still young.
Fighting Style: He has never fought before, so he doesn't really know how he fights. But will mostly use brute force.
History: Was an orphan with his sister. She was adopted by a wealthy doctor, while he was left alone in the orphanage. He never got adopted, and was kicked out of the place when he was twelve. From there, he tried to find work as fast as he could; it came from a forge. He became an apprentice there, and has been working there ever since. He has very strong bonds with his work and his sister.
Money: He is a Smith, Journeyman level. As such all off his work goes toward the shop. He has the ability to travel and when he does, then the earnings from his work go to him. So for now he is "dead" poor.
Dreams: To have his own portable forge. And a family.

ooc: help me in the ooc thread

(edited by Slip-space, ooc: blue is the changes i made if you like them just turn them to the normal color)

Last edited by VIR31 INF3C7I0N on Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:01 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Rick Farre
Rick Farre

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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptyTue Jul 22, 2008 3:13 pm

Name: Rayne

Age: 17

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance: About 5'10". black hair sorta long with hair that covers half his face (the left side) down to his chin, he has a scar in the shape of a crescent moon burned into the side of his face, he has one bright blue eye and a dark brown eye, he has a muscular build, he has a pair of teal shorts with a black trim and teal short-sleeved button down shirt that is always unbuttoned, and he has leather fingerless gloves that have studs on them by the knuckles and is trimmed with teal.
Hometown: He lives with a band of bandits. He doesn't agree with what they do but he follows along with orders just so he can eat everyday.

Likes: The color teal, (obviously) training to become stronger, helping random people.

Dislikes: Being insulted (the reward is death ;]), seeing people take advantage of those that are weaker than themselves.

Personality: Emo, and he likes helping those in need. (Neutral)

Fighting style: He carries 8 throwing daggers strapped along his chest, and two dirks strapped to his back, [[ Picture of what they look like( http://pics.livejournal.com/neravise/pic/0000bt6s/s320x240 ) Throwing Knifes ( http://i16.ebayimg.com/01/i/000/9c/61/1796_1.JPG ) ]] he also has a single binocular thing( can't remember what it's called but it's like the thing that guy in Naruto has) for long-ranged dagger throwing, it can see up to 400 meters(?).

Short Life story/ History: When Rayne was turning four-years-old that day, he and his parents were walking through the streets of their home city of Malta when they decided to take a shortcut through an alley the tried moving as swiftly as the to so they wouldn't get attacked by bandits. Unfortunately, they did. CRACK! A loud crackling sound echoed through the dark side-street. Raynes father fell lifelessly to the ground. Raynes mother shrieks in terror as someone grabs her from behind holding a sharp blade against her neck. "Give us all your money!" he yelled as his sickening breath creeped across her face "Now!". Raynes mother sobbed uncontrollably as she saw her life-less husband lie on the ground. Rayne, completely confused stood in complete shock not knowing what to do. "Run!" Raynes mother screamed "Just run!", "Shut up!" the man holding her hostage said "Now give me your money!" Rayne quickly got his wits back and sprinted for his life. Of course he didn't run very fast since he had just turned four. As he ran he heard a terrifying scream that echoed throughout his mind. Rayne didn't fully grasp it but both of his parents had died on the day of his birthday.

13 years later...

"Rayne! Did you get that firewood like I asked you? It's about to pour and we'll all freeze to death if you don't go get some!" the group leader demanded "Fine! I'll go get it!" Rayne replied with a bit of an attitude. Rayne walked through the woods looking for some rotten brush to start a fire with. after a few minutes of searching he had a good amount of dead branches in one arm and a bundle of firewood in the other. He walked back to the campsite and dropped the wood in the center of the camp. "what took you?" asked Fendrel the leader of the group. "Just took my time I guess." He sarcastically replied "Well don't do it next time." Fendrel told him sternly. "We have a meeting tonight at dusk and if your late, we won't be splitting the spoils with you."
"I'll be there." Rayne said with a bit of excitement rumors around the camp was that they were gong to rob Lord Montagu one of the richest people in Malta. A few hours later dusk settled in and everyone was in Fendrels tent, the largest in the camp of course. There were eighteen people total in the camp so it was a bit crammed in there. "Now everyone listen closely, tomorrow night we are going to break into Lord Montagu's palace and take everything he has." Many people cheered some looked slightly frightened. |"I know some of you might think I'm crazy for picking this but tomorrow he is attending to the king for a ceremony so e will be gone for the night, Tomorrow night s our only chance and if we succeed we will be forced to leave here and move far away. Anyone that wold like to drop out can, but if they do, they will be executed." The room tensed up when that one word left Fendrels lips. A few seconds passed. "Good." Then after he explained exactly what they were going to do he said " Now rest up everyone, we have a big day tomorrow."
When morning came Rayne crawled out of his sorry excuse for a tent and walked over to a stream to wash up. "So Rayne, you excited about tonight?" Hadrian sad. Hadrian was one of Raynes "friends" he didn't really talk to anyone but him and didn't say much even to him. "I don't know, I guess I sorta am." Rayne replied "Sorta?! This is going to be the biggest job we've ever done!" Hadrian said shocked "Well yeah I'm excited about that but I'd hate to leave my hometown I'm already banished from living in it and after this I'd have to leave it forever..." "Well it's not like you have a choice. Fendrel said he'd kill anyone who didn't do it." Hadrian reminded him. "I know..." Rayne said softly. "Well, I'll see you later" Hadrian sad as he walked away. "I'm not so sure about that." Rayne said to himself.
Night came and Fendrel explained the plan all over again, he didn't want anyone messing up because if they did, it would end in death. " When Fendrel Finished the e were given fifteen minutes to pack up before they left. When they reached the palace after barely making it through the city gates they climbed a rope up to the second story onto a balcony with a door. four men went to the roof and picked the door lock and broke in, it was up to them to get the back door the the garden unlocked. when they reached the door the met the other fourteen men and unlatched the door. then they went inside and started looking for things to take when suddenly they were ambushed by twenty men. all of them circled around the bandits "What in the blazes?!" Fendrel yelled Right after he finished his last word an arrow speared him in the chest. "Kill them all!" the captain of the guards yelled All of the guards and bandits all yelled and pulled out their weapons. A battle commenced. there was many screams and sound of flesh being torn apart but most importantly Rayne was not among the fighters, instead he was back hiding in the shadows watching the whole thing. He managed to sneak away when the entered the build and remained hidden when the ambush attacked. when they battle was over there were three men left, palace guards. As they made sure that all the bandits were dead they were unaware that one of them was. Rayne slipped three of his six throwing knives which he had stolen from a merchant and took aim. Three sickening stabs were heard followed by body's hitting the ground. Rayne walked towards them and pulled out his three knives and put them back in their sheaths. He then robbed the palace taking all the jewelery and precious jewels. He then found refuge in a close-by tavern and spent the night there.
The next morning he purchased a horse and fifteen pounds of dried meat. he then got ready for his journey to [I forget what the place is called... xP].
((Approved. <3 -Av-))
{approved -VIR31-}
(Approved Ss) and finally
Happy Now! D:<
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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptyFri Aug 22, 2008 8:27 am

Name: Aiden

Age: 23


Gender: Male

Appearance: clay-colored hair that falls a little below the eyebrow. Ice-blue eyes. Good tan. Soft features (rather than the sometimes chiseled features of an elf.) Tall, wiry, and decently built frame. Always wearing a tie. Always wearing Converse.
Something like this.
Character Approvement/Creation thread 49b783
Sort of.

Hometown: The little-known but expansive elfish settlement of Thrąen.

Likes: You. Individuality. Largely prefers magic over weapons, but likes to combine his magical skills with some of his physical arsenal. Likes pineapple. Likes sweets, a lot. Explosions, any kind. Wacky clothing.

Dislikes: You. Uniformity. Most full-elves. Short people.

Personality: Naturally an introvert, but a very positive and cheery guy. Can be strongly biased. Known to be reckless in high-pressure situations. Apathetic in many senses; tends to underestimate situations and take things a little too casually. Can be “eccentric” sometimes, as well as bipolar (but not often).

Fighting style: Very very agile. Rapid-fire. Weak/average attacks. Many exploding things.
Primary physical weapon: Maintains supply of playing cards (ace of hearts only). The weighted cards can be used in a variety of ways: They explode after hitting into something with a certain amount of force (they explode when thrown into something); they can be placed on the ground and used as a makeshift minefield; an entire deck can be rigged into a very powerful time bomb that can be set and planted swiftly; they can be (carefully) used to play cards with; they are an elven invention, so new uses are constantly being discovered.

Other primary weapon: MAGICKKKKKK.
Elemental magick, to be exact.
This is his FORTE.

Elemental magick can include both destruction and reconstruction, as well as general manipulation of the elements. There’s not much to explain about this.
Note: Elements can not be absorbed into the user.
For example, he couldn’t take fire, rubber, stone, and air, and turn himself into the flipping fantastic four. He can only use and manipulate the elements, not use them to enhance his physical or mental state.

In other news: He has general training in the ninja arts – general, as in, can use basic ninja weapons and techniques. Anything specialty is out of his range. While learning ninja arts he mainly focused on speed and evasion, resulting in a significant lack of experience elsewhere.
Keeps kunai handy. Doesn’t like shuriken, at all. Never used them, never will.
As for bladed, non-ranged weapons, he has a talibong.
Character Approvement/Creation thread Talibong
He doesn’t use it much because the name is so weird.

History: Born in Thrąen to a male human and female elf, the female of prominent position in the society. Birth revealed a secret and forbidden marriage. The community rejected the family after the birth of the “unholy” child, but some closer friends of the family remained kind and managed to save them from being excommunicated from the city. Even so, Aiden was raised in a world that viewed him as a freak. As soon as he was old enough to understand his position, he set his intentions on leaving.

He trained hard to gain the skills necessary to survive on his own.
He had the fortune to be mentored in part by an expert magician and friend of the family. His father was willing enough to teach him the basics of hand to hand fighting, and the city’s benevolent inventor and mechanic, Laethrin, gifted with him a unique deck of ace cards, and the carefully guarded secret of how to easily construct them.

Upon his turning of age (18 in most elven communities), Aiden left with the blessings of his parents and the curses of most of the rest. From then on he claimed to be a full elf, in hopes rejection would no longer haunt him.

Along his journey he made stay at a little-known ninja dojo, where several took a liking to him and taught him the basics of their art. During this time Aiden took a special attraction to agility and speed, constantly fascinated with the concept and manipulation of motion.

Always hungry for knowledge and skill, Aiden wanders with no purpose, hoping to find a reason to live before despair entirely consumes his mind and soul.

Aprroved(Ss) And its ok. Viral changed it so much that if there wern't Elves I think it just would not go allong well. Elves.... Heheheheh(thought something evil)

((Approved -Av-))((be careful, you're dabbling into a lot of things here, make sure you're not the most ultimate character ever. also, the whole explosion thing is my field, so be aware that you're invading my territory.))
((Approved-VIR31))((I know of many ways he can god-mod and so far he falls within the parameters of non-god. Unlike me.
Learn to close your tags, kid.
And you of all people should know that I won't god-mod. - Z
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Location : Somewhere in the northeastern region of them 50 states. A hint would be collage... Also ESU :silly:

Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 7:47 am

E/: Start transmition...

Name: Yorky
Job: Bad guy/ Accountant
Age: No one knows. But older than 50.
Appearence: Small. Barks. Works for a bad guy. Has Spanish accent.
Race: Yorkshire terrior.
Hometown: Currently the flighing/ floating city of Cubana.
Likes: His wife Jessica. His children. All 20 of them. And his grandkids. There are over 200 of them... And he knows their names. All of their names.
Dislikes: Simpering idiots. Idiots. Cats.
History: So far nothing is known about Yorky...

End transmition...

(approved Ss took me forever to figure out that it was a real dog not a werwolf or something)
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manga apprentice

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Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySun Sep 14, 2008 7:57 pm

Yay, I'm finally making a character!!

Name: Zathara (p.s. it means drift wood)
Age: 14
Race: Shape shifter (were- cat)
Gender: Female
Appearance: when human short white hair, dark tanned skin, bright glowing yellow eyes, small black cat ears, long black tail, wears black short sleeved shirt, long black baggy pants, thin, agile, muscular, very strong like a cat, can turn into a black leopard.
Height : 6 ft., 2 in.
Weight: 170 lb.
Hometown: Sashara, a planet of shape shifters
Likes: her brother, weapons, warm cozy places, trees, the color blood red, and catnip
Dislikes: Canines, (hates) slavers and outsiders
Personality: tom- boyish, always getting into trouble, curious like a cat, has 9 lives
Fighting Style: when human she uses her kunai and ninja style, but when cat she uses agile feline moves, her extremely sharp claws and teeth, and all the while her strength
History: She lived on a planet called Sasharash, which was invaded by outsiders, all the people in her village including her family were killed, except for her and her brother, Romalash (he is a Siberian tiger). Her brother was sold to a tall man in a black cape. A few days after that, she escaped to find her twin.
Dream: Find her brother, get money, and return to Sasharash.
Money: As of now, none because she was taken away from her home unexpectedly and what she had was taken away from her.
Weapons: As of now, none because her kunai were taken away from her by the ones who kidnapped her

(Short and sweet, but it does work. Also your a bit tall. Want to shorten yourself a little bit? Approved Ss)(Dude, she is a huge cat and I think that she is allowed to be that tall, you're just jealous cause she is taller than u. Approved VI)

(Changed it)

Just so every one knows, I changed it again, adding money and weapons.

Last edited by germ on Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:23 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Rick Farre
Rick Farre

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Location : Somewhere far off in the internet

Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptySun Sep 14, 2008 9:28 pm

- Has to post separately from lack of mod powers. :[ -

Yeah so just a few things.

6'5 is really tall. so just shorten yourself to like 5'10 or something. Also make your self a little lighter. ( 215 lb. Dx)

Just saying that cause if you are a were-person or whatever you can always change into a large cat. You don't have to start out large.

Delete this post when done. ;]
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Posts : 94
Join date : 2008-06-10
Age : 31

Character Approvement/Creation thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: Character Approvement/Creation thread   Character Approvement/Creation thread EmptyMon Sep 15, 2008 9:14 am

Here is my character finally

Name: Craon (Cray-in)

Age: 13

Race: Human

Gender: male

Appearance: Has green hair (that looks like mine in real life) and green shades with green stripe tattoos up and down his arms with a green shirt and shoes and sage colored gloves with a dark cloak... (i have a pic at bottom)

Height : 5 ft., 2 in.

Weight: 115 lb. (mostly muscle from climbing tree and such)

Hometown: Reyan (Ree-in) a small village deep in a forest...

Likes: animals mostly forest type... the color green...

Dislikes: Destruction for no reason...

Personality: Funny (well tries to be),,, Energetic, adventurous, spontaneous, active and hyper.

Fighting Style: Manipulating trees and earth to do what he wants them to do and uses magic missiles sometimes and mostly focuses on attacking with his magic because he can't heal or defend... and has a adamant dagger...

History: When he was a baby he lived with a high mage who's name is Narokian he lived with him because his parents disappeared and left him with only a adamant Dagger and so as he grew up with Narokian he trained him to become a really powerful mage training me hard everyday. Right now Craon is just an apprentice mage, and to graduate he must complete the task given to him by Narokian. But to complete this task He must meet people along the way that may or may not help him in his journey. The reason he wants to be a high mage is not just to be powerful but also because he wants to find out what happened to his parents, to know if his was left behind or if someone or something forced his parents to leave him…
His master Narokian gave him a strange egg to keep for himself.

Dream: To go on an adventure to become a High and powerful mage...

This pretty much what he looks like...

Character Approvement/Creation thread A13042

(Approved Ss. So go ahead and post)
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