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 Rules for forum

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Posts : 1237
Join date : 2008-05-04
Age : 31
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Rules for forum Empty
PostSubject: Rules for forum   Rules for forum EmptySun May 11, 2008 6:36 pm

Falling Cliffs Rules

Hello members of Falling Cliffs. Here are the Rules. Please follow them.

I. Be Nice

Being as though the Falling Cliffs is all about having fun and things of that nature, be nice to one another. Of course I would understand why some of you can't get along with one another, since not everyone will not share your views, naturally you will react in a negative manner. So to sum this up, just act in a respectful manner towards everyone and keep your negative comments to yourself.

II. Spelling & Grammer

I understand many of you may not have the best spelling and or grammer usage in the world, however please keep in mind that some of us would rather read proper english. So with that in mind, be sure to use proper spelling and grammer, that way everyone is happy.

III. Flamewars

Flamewars contribute nothing to the growth of the forums, so please don't get aggrivated by someone. If you feel as though you need to flame or argue with someone just direct your concerns to a Administrator and we will treat it as quickly as possible.

IV. "Off The Tangent"

I understand that sometimes people will interrupt a topic with something completely "off the tangent" and that will disrupt the entire flow of everything. So what I want to say about that, just don't do that. If you have nothing to say concerning the topic at hand just don't say anything. Also if a topic has already gone off-topic just let a Administrator or Moderator know and we will handle the situation.

V. Respect One Another

Nothing much to say concerning this. Just know that even people on the Internets have feelings. Also please remember who your talking to.

VI. Don't "Scream"

Don't go "Screaming" (a.k.a using caps-lock) in topics. It's not nessasary and doesn't contribute to the topic.

VII. Illegial Activities & Pornagraphic Material

The useage and distribution of WareZ and/or Pornographic Material is illegial and will instantly get you banned from these forums.

VIII. Spoilers

Keep the spoilers in check, we have a movie/gaming and manga forum and some people are not at the point where you are, and perhaps vice versa. Remember to use tags where appropriate, and if unsure, better safe than sorry.

Do not post adult content (porn, hentai etc.) you might get banned.

IX.Double Posts

Please do not post 2 or more posts in a row in a thread. Instead please edit your prior post with what you wanted to say. (will be tolerated a Little in the spam section)
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