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 Introduction To Go (also forum rules)

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greenhorn apprentice

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Introduction To Go (also forum rules) Empty
PostSubject: Introduction To Go (also forum rules)   Introduction To Go (also forum rules) EmptyMon Dec 01, 2008 5:25 pm

will work on later...

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Introduction To Go (also forum rules) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduction To Go (also forum rules)   Introduction To Go (also forum rules) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 9:30 am

Alright! Here it comes! Please don't be too shocked!

Go! How to Play
Go is an ancient board game for two players, considered by many to be the ultimate abstract strategy game. Invented in China around 3,000 years ago, it is probably the oldest game that has been continuously played in basically the same form. Though its rules are simple, the large number of possible moves each turn make it far more complex than chess. (I think their wrong, it was made up in Japan)

Introduction To Go (also forum rules) 1a
19x19 board

Introduction To Go (also forum rules) 1c
9x9 board
Go is a 2 player game usually played on a board of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines, but other board sizes--9x9 and 13x13--may be chosen at Yahoo!. Certain intersections, or points, are marked with small dots as shown; the markings create visual reference points and have no effect on play. One player, known as Black, uses a set of black stones; the other player, White, uses a set of white stones.

The object of the game is to get the most points, which are earned by surrounding territory (empty intersections) and opposing pieces.
Introduction To Go (also forum rules) 1b
13x13 board

Game Play
Beginning with Black, each player in turn, places a stone on an empty intersection, or "point." Once placed, a stone is never moved, although it is removed if the opponent captures it. If a stone or a solidly connected group of stones becomes completely surrounded by opposing pieces, it is captured and removed from play. A stone or group is completely surrounded when it is not adjacent--in any horizontal or vertical direction--to any empty intersections. An empty intersection adjacent to a stone or group is called a "liberty" of that group. In the diagram, White's stone has only one liberty--the point marked X. If Black plays there, White's stone is captured, resulting in the next diagram.

In this diagram, a solidly connected group of four White stones has only one liberty (X). A Black play there captures the group.

Captured stones, or "prisoners," are kept aside and counted at the end of the game. (Yahoo! players don't need to worry about this because prisoners are counted automatically.)

A stone may not be placed on a point where it (or a group to which it has been added) will be completely surrounded, unless it also causes an opponent's stone or group to be surrounded. If a move causes both players' stones or groups to become surrounded simultaneously, the stone or group belonging to the player who made the move survives and the other stone or group is captured.

In this position, both White and Black can make a capture by playing at the point marked X. If White makes the capture, the position will be as shown in the second diagram. If Black makes the capture, the position will look like the third diagram. (In this third diagram, by the way, a White play on the corner point will capture all five black stones, showing that Black's capture was a waste of time.)

More than one group may be captured as the result of a single play. In this simple example, a White play at X will capture all three Black stones.

End Game

Play continues until both players pass. Players then alternately play stones on any "neutral" points--intersections adjacent to both players' stones, also known as "dame" (pronounced DAH-MAY). Next, "dead" stones--ones that are not fully surrounded, but that would inevitably be captured if play continued--are removed from the board and added to the piles of prisoners. Finally, players add up their scores. A player earns one point for each vacant intersection surrounded by his or her stones--known as the player's "territory"--and one point for each prisoner he or she has captured. Whoever has more points wins.

In this position on a miniature board, for example, the four points marked X are dame--worthless to either side. After removing the dead White stone inside Black's upper right territory, Black has 7 points in the upper right, 2 points in the lower left, and 1 for the removed prisoner, for a total of 10. White has 5 points in the upper left, 2 in the lower right, and 2 for the captured Black stones, a total of 9. Black wins by 1 point (unless he or she is required to give White compensation, or komi, to offset the advantage of going first, as explained below.)

Here's more about dead stones. If a player had to surround them completely, he or she would lose one point for each intersection that was filled in while surrounding them. In the previous example, Black would need to play two stones inside Black territory to remove the dead White stone in the upper right, changing the outcome of the game. Therefore, the rules allow players to simply remove dead stones after both players have passed and neutral points have been filled in.

Game Concepts
Occasionally, adjacent opposing groups will become surrounded while neither group has two eyes. If one group has enough extra liberties, it may be able to capture the other. Otherwise, a seki, or dual life, is a likely result of the battle.

In the position at left, the White group in the lower left has two eyes, and so is safe. The two Black groups in the corners at the top have just one eye each (the corner points), but are safe because White cannot play on either point marked X without allowing Black to capture the White stones. Meanwhile, the five White stones on the right and the large Black group at the bottom are both eyeless, but both groups are safe because neither player can occupy either of the points marked Y without allowing the opponent to play on the other point Y and capture them. Since neither player can approach the other anywhere, the various groups with fewer than two eyes are alive in seki.
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Introduction To Go (also forum rules) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduction To Go (also forum rules)   Introduction To Go (also forum rules) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 9:38 am

As you can see that is the basic information. I did not put in the other images because that was taking too long to do.

So Now I'm going to tell you how to play Go online.

First go to www.yahoo.com , then after being done with that make sure you have a yahoo account. If you do not just go to sign up and make one. Takes 2 minutes. You don't have to use it for anything but this.
Next go to Games, the button is on the left. After that select BOARD.
Once that is done, go down and click 20 on view per page. Then scroll down until you see Go. Select it.
Then two things will happen. If you are not signed in it will ask you to sign in. (where the yahoo account comes into play) Then select Click Here to continue. If you are already signed in just click Click Here to Continue.
After that, you are in. At the top is how to play. READ IT! It will also give you pictures.
Then down below there are the rooms. Most likely I will be in Beginner room 1 or 2.

Also Please put your email here so we can know who you are so we can play you. Because it goes by your email for the name that shows up.

Me- georgeshrinks0@yahoo.com

Ok got it?
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Introduction To Go (also forum rules) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introduction To Go (also forum rules)   Introduction To Go (also forum rules) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 9:39 am

Also the rules for this forum are as follows.

Do not post anything un-Go related here. Straying from the path is ok.
That is all
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greenhorn apprentice

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Introduction To Go (also forum rules) Empty
PostSubject: hmm...   Introduction To Go (also forum rules) EmptyThu Dec 04, 2008 4:26 pm

I'm going to make a new account just to play go with. :]

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