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 Fanclub/Guild rules

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Posts : 1237
Join date : 2008-05-04
Age : 31
Location : Anywhere i want to be with a push of a button

Fanclub/Guild rules Empty
PostSubject: Fanclub/Guild rules   Fanclub/Guild rules EmptyWed May 28, 2008 9:04 am

Section A - Subject of a FC
1. The subject of a FC can only be an anime series, manga series, forum member, celebrities, anime character(s) or manga character(s).
3. Hate clubs are not fan clubs.
4. Pairing FC's are allowed.
Violation of these rules can lead to closure of the (newest) FC.

Section B - Content of a FC
1. There will be no flaming.
2. There will be no sexual content.
3. There will be no advertisements of other sites.
4. Banners and other pics are to be of acceptable size - don't make our eyes go 'poof'.
Violation of these rules will result in either deletion of posts, deletion of FC's, and/or infractions and bans.

Section C - Ownership of a FC
1. You can only own 3 FC's and co-own only 2 FC's.
2. FC's can have only one owner and one co-owner.
3. Ownership requires a minimum of 100 posts, co-ownership 50. (i might change)
4. If you (co-)own a FC, you have to post at least every three weeks in the FC, to show a sign of life.
Violation of these rules will result in either loss of (co-)ownership or can lead to closure of the FC.
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